Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Turning a Deaf Ear to the Universe

Okay, so where was I? Oh yeah, the universe was speaking LOUD & CLEAR that I should get moving. That I should take the next step in my own health and wellness and DO SOMETHING!!! Well, it's now Wednesday and my expensive treadmill is still serving as a hanger. Unused. Gathering dust, or it would be except for the stuff I have laying all over it.

Why is it so hard to take that next step. I'm a smart woman. I am a positive thinker. I know what I should do. I'm not going to make excuses, because that's just what any attempt at justifying my "deaf ear" to the sound of the universe telling me it's long past time to get in shape would be   excuses. Instead of clearing off my treadmill, or going for a walk outdoors, or dancing around the house, I had a marathon writing session Saturday. From 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. I maybe got up four times. I know two of those times were about 10 minute breaks. I had a half sandwich in the fridge and ate half of it at 10 a.m. and the other at 2 p.m. (standing at the counter, checking out the headlines on CNN). Then, at 8 p.m. I took about 45 minutes to run out to grab a bite and bring it back home to eat, again standing up... but this time I stood because I realized I had been sitting all day! Then I went back to my lap top and made myself stop at 2:30 a.m. when my right wrist was beginning to ache and my eyes felt dry and tight.

Sunday, a girlfriend woke me up at 9 a.m. asking if I wanted to go out to breakfast... I said "make it brunch and I'm there." We spent the day together and visited our whole foods market looking for dietary supplements. There were so many that it boggled the mind (at least mine) and I couldn't choose.

But I did cook a healthy dinner that evening and another healthy meal on Monday. So, that's something. Eating isn't really my problem anyway. My problem is not moving.

And it seems that I'm not the only one. Aside from anecdotal proof (my friends telling me), I read recently that less than half of us exercises or trains on a regular basis; only about 40 percent of the population say they work out regularly. As for me... I'm still thinking these thoughts and writing about it, so  maybe I haven't tuned out the universe completely, maybe I'm just saying, "later universe, I'll get there in my own time." I just hope that time is soon!

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