Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My Christmas Story

Christmas is more than one day; it's a state of mind. My Christmas wish is that you carry Christmas in your heart all year long. That you find peace and joy. That you are kinder and gentler to the people you encounter. That laughter, love and music abounds. And, that you lead a grateful life. Merry Christmas my friends! And Happy Chanukkah, Kwanza, Holidays too.

I wrote this story in 1996 and updated it in 2011. I hope you like it.

                                                              MY CHRISTMAS STORY
                                                                 Julia Benitez Sullivan

         At this time of the year I get a lot of comments about my birthday. Some people express delight when they discover I was born on Christmas Day, but the most frequent response is “how awful” it must be for me. They say my birthday must get lost in the Christmas rush and that I must have felt cheated at a child. When I reply that being a Christmas baby isn’t awful, that I have many happy memories and have never felt cheated, I get the impression that they assume I’m just being a good sport.

            But the truth is that I feel blessed to have been born on Christmas and credit my family, especially my parents, for making me feel special.

            My parents didn’t have a lot of money. They were farm laborers who worked hard to provide a good home, good food and the basic necessities. But no matter how tight things might have been, they made sure we had a Christmas tree. Sometimes we had a small tree that was placed on top of a coffee table, other times the tree was bigger. We even had an artificial tree that was handed down to us – that one lasted several years and I was glad when my parents finally threw it out. To this day it isn’t Christmas or my birthday without a fresh, beautiful tree. My husband, son and I have established a tradition of visiting a tree farm to select our tree, drink hot chocolate or Wassail, and maybe take in a hay ride. But back then, even thought the town we lived in billed itself as the Christmas Tree Capital, we used to go to our neighborhood grocery store to pick out a tree from the parking lot.

            Our presents were things we needed – underwear, warm clothing and such. The toys I received came from my older brothers and sisters. I’m the youngest of six and there is a 20-year age difference from my oldest brother Tommy and me. I didn’t get a lot of toys, but if I missed them then, I certainly don’t remember it now. What I do remember is the Suzy Homemaker dishwasher I got one year from my sister Thelma, my first bike, a red four-wheeler, that my brother Tommy gave me, even though he had his own children to purchase gifts for that year, and two beautiful Asian dolls from Vietnam that I wish I had taken better care of and saved because my brother Arturo, who survived the war only to be killed later by a drunken driver back home, brought them home for me.

            My sister Helen (who’s seven years older than me and the second youngest in the family) used to surprise me in the summer with birthday gifts, just because. Helen gave me my first birthstone ring and other jewelry and took me to have my ears pierced when I was 16.  My father didn’t like that gift, but I sure did!

            But the best gift I ever got was from my parents. It is a gift that is still with me, even though my parents have both passed away. Their gift was to make me feel that the entire holiday was in celebration of my birthday. Yep, me and J.C.

            How many children have entire cities decked out for their birthdays? I had a vacation from school for my birthday, beautiful decorations, Christmas carols, parades and a Posada that always ended at my house with a magical celebration on Christmas Eve. People seemed to be nicer and happier (they still do) and we had lots of company, wonderful treats, and special Masses at church.

            My birthday season would start the week after Thanksgiving. Papa would take me for a drive downtown. He’d point out all the decorations and say, “Hey, they’re already setting up for your birthday.” Of course I knew that the decorations and activities weren’t about me, but rather something much bigger and more wonderful. But I couldn’t help feeling a part of it anyway.

            Oh, and I always had a birthday party – the Traditional Surprise Birthday Party. It was held the Saturday right after school let out. Mom continued “surprising” me with these parties until I finished college and moved away from home. There weren’t a lot of kids from school at those parties, but our home was filled with friends and family and my birthday parties were a lot of fun. That’s also when I opened my birthday presents – socks, underwear and other necessities. On Christmas Day, mama made sure the family sang Happy Birthday around the table before dinner.

            After I left home, every year, no matter how far away I was, the first call I’d get on Christmas morning was from mama, singing Happy Birthday. She continued this new tradition every year until the year she died. I still miss that phone call, or better yet, hearing her sweet voice in person.

            There was one Grinch at Christmas, even in my family. The Grinch was my tia Lupita, an aunt who always managed to find the same card (maybe she bought a whole case one year). The card had a candle burning from both ends and said “Happy Birthday/Merry Christmas.” But she also was the one who organized the Posadas, so, as far as Grinches go, my tia Lupita wasn’t so bad and her cards are something to chuckle over now.

            Posada, is the Spanish word for Procession. This traditional, Catholic Christmas celebration takes place for nine nights, and depicts the story of Mary and Joseph seeking shelter in Bethlehem. Each night, we would meet at a friend’s home, half of our group would proceed to the home’s front door singing that we were seeking shelter, another group inside the home would reply, also in song, that there was no room for us. Then we’d all gather for refreshments.

            This took place at a different home each night until Christmas Eve, on that night the Holy couple finally found shelter and were let in the home, there the baby Jesus was laid in a nativity scene, prayers were said and then we celebrated with refreshments of hot, Mexican chocolate, finger sandwiches, tamales, pastries and candies. That last night was always held at our home. Later that night, after our guests had left, we’d go to Midnight Mass.

            We’ve lost some of those traditions over the years, mostly because we moved so far away from our closest friends and family. But we’ve established our own traditions. In addition to the Christmas tree outing, which is a day-long affair, we take drives to look at all the decorations in neighborhoods and cities, we go to Christmas parades and festivals, get together with friends and sing lots of Christmas carols. We celebrate Christmas with a formal dinner on Christmas Eve, and open one gift. On Christmas morning, when Santa’s gifts are under the tree, it’s all about our son. Then we go to brunch to celebrate my birthday, just the three of us unless we have company at Christmas that year.

            Even after all these years, I still feel special at Christmas. That’s the gift from my parents.

The End

2011 – Our celebration has evolved over the years, now our Christmas Eve dinner includes a modified Advent Wreath, where we remember our loved ones who we have lost over the years. In this way, we keep them alive in our hearts and memories. I read my story and the essay, One Solitary Life, written by Jim Bishop. We still have a live tree in our home each year, but it’s been a long time since we visited a Christmas tree farm – mostly because there aren’t any close to our home in deep South Texas. Our son, James, is now 25-years-old and says Christmas is his favorite holiday. I believe that he will continue some of our traditions and add some of his own as the years progress.

            I am blessed to celebrate my birthday with the best Christmas present our family has ever received, my baby niece, Regan Elizabeth Akst, born on Christmas Day 2010. This year, she celebrates her first birthday and I hope that she feels as blessed throughout the years as I have felt. I am sure she will because she has wonderful parents – Jason and Becca, aunts, and grandparents who will help her feel special and blessed. Reagan is my sister Helen’s first grandchild and guess what? Reagan had a half-year birthday celebration in June thanks to her aunt Lisa and ama Helen. Lucky girl! Happy Birthday Reagan! See you soon! Love, tia Julie
Helen, Julie & Thelma

Julie's Birthday 2012

Julie & Becca at Grandma Elena's home

Julie & Jamie (1 month)

Reagan at 4 months.

Jamie, Becca and Lisa (holding Reagan) 

Julie is the little one, with Helen smoothing Julie's hair. Don't know the other girl.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

In Support of Small Business

Saturday's "Shop Local" campaign is a great way to call attention to the small businesses that make our community unique and special. But these local businesses extend to products and services that go beyond storefronts. I'm excited and humbled to be a part of a committee that is searching out these businesses for Small Business Administration awards. The work we're doing now will call attention to the Rio Grande Valley businesses regionally and, perhaps even nationally.

If you own or know of a locally-owned small business that deserves recognition for its contributions to our community and to the economy, let me know. There is still time to nominate. In addition to the Business Person of the Year, we are going to be selecting nominees for these categories:
  • Small Business Exporter of the Year: Any individual who owns and operates a small business engaged in exporting may be nominated.
  • SBA Young Entrepreneur of the Year: To be considered a young entrepreneur, the individual must serve as a majority owner and operate or bear principal responsibility for operating a small business with a three-year track record, and who will not have reached the age of 30 by June 1, 2014.
  • Environmental “Green” Conservator of the Year*: Any individual who owns and operates a small business that employs, promotes and exemplifies environmental innovation in manufacturing, technology, recycling, architectural design, conservation, waste reduction and/or organic/holistic products.
  • Innovation Through Technology Business of the Year*: This award honors a small business that creates and/or discovers an innovation that breaks with conventional processes and goes beyond marginal improvements in areas such as manufacturing, medicine, software, the Internet, wireless and consumer electronics and can be in the form of new products, patents, inventions or services.
  • Jeffrey Butland Family-Owned Business of the Year: This award honors a family-owned and operated business which has been passed on from one generation to another. The owner must also serve as a majority owner and operator or bear principal responsibility for operating a small business with at least a 15-year track record.
  • Small Business Journalist of the Year: Journalists representing television, radio, electronic or print media who report and champion small business issues may be nominated.
  • Financial Services Champion of the Year: Individuals who assist small businesses through advocacy efforts to increase the usefulness and availability of accounting or financial services for small businesses may be nominated. Nominees may or may not be small business owners.
  • Home-Based Business Champion of the Year: Individuals who have experienced the rewards and difficulties of owning a home-based business and have volunteered to improve the climate for these businesses may be nominated. Nominees may or may not be current small business owners.
  • Minority Small Business Champion of the Year: Individuals who have fulfilled a commitment to support minority entrepreneurship may be nominated. Nominees may or may not be small business owners.
  • Veteran Small Business Champion of the Year: Individuals who have fulfilled a commitment to advancing small business opportunities for veterans of the U.S. armed forces may be nominated. Nominees may or may not be veterans.
  • Women in Business Champion of the Year: Individuals who have fulfilled a commitment to the advancement of women’s business ownership may be nominated. Nominees may or may not be small business owners.

If you'd like your business to be considered, or want to recommend one, please let me know ASAP. E-mail me at Julia@onevoice2.com.

We'll be reviewing our nominees on Dec. 17, so please e-mail me no later than Thursday, Dec. 5 so I can forward you the additional information you need.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Instant Oatmeal vs Instant Oatmeal

We've all heard expert tips to select items with the least ingredients on the package when grocery shopping. For the most part, I try to do this, so I was shocked: "SHOCKED, I tell you!" to discover that my healthy instant, pre-packaged oatmeal had 30+ ingredients listed. Really, you too oatmeal...

Anyway, right next to the pre-packaged stuff in my cupboard sits a box of Irish Oatmeal that I use for baking breads and such. There was only one ingredient listed on the McCann's box: 100% whole grain Irish oats. So I made my own instant oatmeal. Breakfast took under 3 minutes (including the prep time) sand it was delish! So I don't think we'll be restocking the prepackaged stuff again.

My Instant Oatmeal: 1/2 cup Irish oats, Organic, sun-dried Goji berries, 1 TBS locally grown honey, ground cinnamon and ginger to taste and 1 cup water. 1.5 minutes in the microwave. I'd share a picture of my oatmeal, but ate it hours ago. So here's a photo of the ingredients (not counting the water).
The recipe on the box calls for 1/2 a cup of the oatmeal and 1 cup of water. Cook in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. I added the Goji berries to the oatmeal prior to cooking it and then stirred in the rest of the ingredients when it was done.
However you decide to flavor it; at least you'll know and can control what's in your oatmeal. Enjoy!


The Art of Effective News Communication, Part III

This is the final part in my series on the components that make up a news release. The reason I spent so much time on these building blocks is because the first step in effective news communication is knowing how to properly prepare a news release. When editors have to rewrite your release or have to dig through it to figure out what they need to know... chances are they won't. While knowing how to put together a good news release helps, the most important things to remember are: Make sure that it's newsworthy in the first place, and make sure it is well-written with accurate information.

In this final installment, I'll cover the components that comprise the body of the release.

5W's & H: If you ever sat through J-101, you know all about the 5 W's and H. There's a lot more that goes into good news writing, but it all starts with answering these basic questions:
For our purposes, the 5 W's and H serve as checklist to make sure we don't miss any information that a journalist and the public needs to know. It's best to cover these in your lead paragraph. Remember that journalists, editors and news producers have a lot of material to review. So the faster you can convey your message, the better. The rest of your release can expand on your lead with more details, quotes, etc. But please remember to always keep your releases to one page (including the photo caption and your boilerplate).

Call to Action: When I can, I like to incorporate something in the news release that gives readers a sense of urgency; that they need to act on this now, especially when you have registration, tickets to sell, or event deadlines.

Public's Contact Info: It's a good idea to let the public know where they can go for more information and it's a good excuse to promote your website too.

End: End your release with three pound signs (###) centered. This is standard and  shows the journalist that there aren't missing pages.

Photo Caption (cutline): Please, please, please never include a photo embedded in the news release. (I'm talking about Word documents.) It should be sent as a separate attachment. What IS appropriate for the news release is the photo caption. This is where you identify anyone in the photo or tell the public what the photo is about.

Boilerplate: If you are asking yourself "What is a boilerplate?" you're not alone. Even experienced marketing professionals don't always know or understand the term. It refers to how print got stamped onto the newspaper. Boilerplate copy was stamped on steel plates that could be reused over and over again. For our use, the boilerplate is a statement that tells anyone reading it, who you are and what you do. It should be short. Brevity is key. On a news release, the boilerplate is the last thing that appears on a release, appearing under the END symbol and (if you have it) the cutline. A boilerplate is one of the most effective tools in branding, and, if you're not using yours on every communication, you are passing up a golden opportunity to tell the media and public about your company.

Well, that's the end of this series on the components of a news release. If you take nothing else away from this series, please take this one tip:  Before you write a news release, ask yourself, "Is this newsworthy? Is this something that the public will want to know?" If the answer is "no," then don't do it. As you know, there are a lot of other components to effective news communications: knowing when and where to send them, establishing good media relationships, knowing the jargon, etc. I'll write about some of these in future articles.

What are your must-have components? Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Art of Effective News Communication, Part Deux

As promised, here are the components of a News Release highlighted on an actual release. I illustrated them as bullet points in Part 1.
Components of a News Release

In Part 1, I talked about the importance of the contact person listed on a release. Also, although this sample doesn't feature a logo, I talked about taking advantage of branding your business or organization by sending out News Releases on your letterhead or a template that features your logo. Today, I'll cover the Date, Headline, and Lead Paragraph.
Date: It's important to let the media know the release date. Most of the time, I will use FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Keep in mind that just because it says for immediate release doesn't mean that it will appear the next day and sometimes not even the next week. The use of "For Immediate Release" just lets the media know that the information is not embargoed and can be used immediately.

Make sure to allow as much lead time as possible. Send releases out at least two weeks before you'd like to see it appear. Send it out even earlier for events you want listed on calendars.

About embargoes: A news embargo is a request by a source that the information or news provided not be published until a certain date. Embargoed releases are often used by businesses making a product announcement, by medical journals, and by government officials announcing policy initiatives; the media is given advance knowledge of details being held secret so that news reports can be prepared to coincide with the announcement date and yet still meet press time. In theory, news embargoes reduce inaccuracy in the reporting of breaking stories by allowing reporters time to research and write, often complicated pieces.

The Headline: Make it bold. Make it catchy. And just like the rest of your news release, make sure it's newsworthy and relevant. It will be centered (left to right, not top to bottom). You can use all caps and/or make it 1-2 font sizes larger than the body to help it stand out.

Sub-Headline: You don't always need a sub-headline for your news release. The sample above, for example, doesn't have a sub-headline, but I want to mention it because you may need to use one at some point. A sub-headline provides additional information to the headline. I used these a lot at the University of Texas-Pan American because some of the releases we sent out were complicated. The format I recommend when using the two-line headline is to use ALL CAPS on the main headline and upper and lowercase  for the sub-headline.

Dateline: The dateline is used to set the geographic location of the article or event. When using a dateline, it is placed on the first line of your text. I prefer to us AP style.

Next comes your Introduction or Lead paragraph: Outside of your headline, most of your focus should be on crafting a strong lead —that's where your news release lives or dies. After reading the lead of your news release, the person reading it should have answers to the 5 W's and H.

Your goal with the lead is to hook the reader while providing a clear, concise overview of your story. Please don't start with "So and So from Such and Such company is pleased to announce a first of its kind widget...." Instead, "A first of its kind widget that promises to ....," announced So and So from Such and Such.  The second paragraph is a great place to include a quote from the So and So that expands on the lead.

The rest of the news release reinforces the lead paragraph and provides more details.

I'll go into more detail on the 5 W's and H in the final installment in this series, as well as discuss the rest of the building blocks. One of my handouts at workshops includes tips for writing a strong lead and for composing a boilerplate. Contact me and I'll email it to you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Art of Effective News Communication

With advertising and marketing budgets getting tighter, we need to look for other ways to reach our audiences. If, like me, you come from the small business and non-profit world, you no doubt are already a pro at looking at creative solutions to get the word out about what you do and what services you provide. In future articles, I plan to touch on some ideas on promoting your organization or small business through community outreach. But for now, let's start with one tried and true way to communicate with the general public and our specific audiences through the news media. The News Release.

Almost anyone can write a news release and send it out. But there's an art to making sure it doesn't end up in the trash. It starts with a well-written, informative, brief, and newsworthy press release. So here are my tips and what I like to call "building blocks" to a well-written, effective news release.
  • Heading/Company Logo. These typically go out on your company's letterhead. But you can easily create a template specifically for News Releases, that have these components in place so that you don't have to recreate it each time.
  • News Media Contact Information. This contact is typically the person that handles media relations or is the company's spokesperson.
  • Date (Release or Embargo Date). This lets the media know when it's okay to release the news.
  • Headline. The headline should let anyone reading it know immediately what to expect.
  • Introduction (Lead).
  • 5 W’s & 1 H
  • Call to Action. (This one is optional because you won't always need it. But giving the public a reason or motivation to act is a good thing, especially for event releases.)
  • Public’s Contact Information.
  • The End.
  • Photo Caption (if needed).
  • Boilerplate.
I'll go into more detail on each bullet, starting here, and will include a news release with the components highlighted in my next post.

Your Logo: Like your boilerplate, your logo is a great branding tool, so any correspondence, including your news release, should be sent out on letterhead or a News Release Template that features your logo.
Contact Information: Give complete contact information for the person in charge of your media relations. This is the person who a reporter will call to field all questions about the release. You want to give as much contact information here as possible. office & cell phone and Email at the very least.
One of the biggest pet peeves among reporters and editors has to do with contact information. I can't stress enough how important it is to make it easy for a reporter, editor, or producer to reach the contact person. So make sure that whoever is listed as the contact on a news release is available and reachable. It doesn't help to include a cell phone number and e-mail address if the person is too busy to return calls and check e-mails. Typically, the contact information listed at the top of the release is for the media only. The contact for the general public should be listed in the body of the copy, if it's appropriate.I'll go into more detail on other components in my next article. 
I'll go into more detail on other components in the next article.  As always, I'd love to hear from you. Let me know what you think.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Community Activist Elvia Rios Enters JP Race

McALLEN, Texas:  Longtime public servant and community activist Elvia Rios, 64, announced Thursday that she officially filed for Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Place 2 seat in Hidalgo County in the March 2014 election by appointing Lupe Silva (Aboud) her campaign treasurer. Rios, who was born and raised in McAllen, said she plans to be a proactive judge who works with educators, community groups, and law enforcement to address situations that lead to the cases heard in court.

“My strong sense of fairness and integrity will guide both my campaign and judicial decisions,” Rios said.  "I welcome the community's input and plan to take advantage of every opportunity to go out and meet the citizens of Precinct 2 Place 2. The time is right for me to give back to my community.”

Rios, pictured here, said she views the Justice of the Peace court as "the people’s court.” The Justice of the Peace Precinct 2, Place 2 covers McAllen, Pharr, San Juan, Alamo, and the City of Hidalgo. JP’s perform the functions of a magistrate and conduct inquests. A justice of the peace presides over truancy cases, traffic violations, hears civil suits under $10,000, issues arrest warrants, and performs marriages.

For the past 16 years, Rios has been a self-employed consultant providing governmental agencies, higher education institutions, and non-profits services in resource development and management. Rios has a proven track record of securing grant funding totaling millions for Valley projects and programs. In addition, Hidalgo County judges have appointed Rios to make recommendations to the courts on child custody cases and adoptions.

Prior to consulting, Rios worked for Texas Rural Legal Aide, for the late State Senator Carlos F. Truan, and State Representative Rene Oliviera. Her legislative work includes the creation of South Texas Community College, the Regional Academic Health Center, and legislative appropriations for South Texas colleges and universities.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the University of Houston, and a Masters in Public Health degree from the UTHSC- Houston. She also is a graduate of the Executive Program at Harvard University's JFK School of Government in Boston, MA, and the Leadership Development Program at the Center for Creative Leadership in Colorado Springs, CO. Rios is a W.K. Kellogg Foundation Fellow in Health Leadership, and a Fellow of the National Hispana Leadership Institute in Washington, D.C.

Rios is the mother of Alejandro J. Rios Tovar, MD, 28, who is in his third year of a General Surgery residency at the University Medical Center in El Paso.  Dr. Rios Tovar plans to return to McAllen upon completion of the residency to serve the people of the Rio Grande Valley.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Responsive Customer Service

I reached out to Chobani.com about some yogurt that was rancid and others that were still in my fridge that had the expiration dates that were supposed to have been pulled off the grocery store shelves last week. The website was down, so I messaged the company via Twitter at @Chobani and got an immediate reply. I was told that I deserve good yogurt, so they would replace the ones that weren't perfect.

@JuliaBSullivan If they're within the code/date we're happy to replace! Email care[at]chobani dot com so we can make it up to you.

Great. I was very pleased with their customer service. So, I followed the instructions and sent off an e-mail. Which brings me to today's topic on responsive customer service.

You can have the best customer service practices on the phone, in the workplace and, even via Twitter. But, why is it that so many of us fall short when it comes to responding to our "contact us" e-mails? Well, here's a tip. When you can't check and respond to these e-mails within 24 hours, set up an auto reply that let's your customer know that the e-mail was received and appreciated and when the customer can expect to hear back from you. In the case of my Chobani experience, that didn't happen and I have yet to hear back from the e-mail I sent on Wednesday (Sept. 4). I'm not upset with Chobani. I figure that they've been swamped with e-mails and the good service I received via Twitter matter. Plus, I still love the yogurt and will continue to stock it in my fridge. But not everyone will have that same attitude. So, here's a script that Chobani can use and that can be modified for any of us.

Thank you for contacting Chobani. We appreciate your business and want to hear from you. Currently, we're experiencing a high volume of e-mail traffic and promise to respond back to you just as quickly as possible, but no later than five business days from today. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please know we care about your business and will respond as quickly as possible.

Best Regards


At the magazine I edited, I responded to my e-mails several times a day, but could only check our "contact us" responses from our website about once a day and sometimes every other day. So our auto-reply message reflected that. I made it a point to respond to all inquiries in a timely manner, which, in this case was within 48 hours. When the magazine closed, I implemented this message:

It is with a heavy heart that I report that Lady Couture Magazine will cease publication. All contests have been disabled. We are so sorry. All of us at Lady Couture Magazine appreciate our loyal advertisers, readers and fans and want you to know that we're going to regroup, and if possible, will come back to you sometime in the future. If you'd like to see that happen, please subscribe on our website at ... so that we can have your information on file. Blessings to you all!
This e-mail and website will be disabled soon.
To reach our corporate offices, call 956-...

More than ever, it's important to do everything we can to provide our audiences a good experience. Responsive customer service begins with good and timely communications, so when you can't respond in a timely manner, allow your auto reply to be your first contact and then keep your word to respond when you say you will.

Saturday, August 31, 2013


Update: I finally used the treadmill! Yes, the poor thing is 5 years old and I can count on both hands the times I've used it (other than as an expensive hanger). So, yes! Shooting for three times a week. Baby steps, remember.

Another goal was to remember to get up from my desk at least once an hour. Progress there too, although there are still times I forget. Like yesterday, I didn't realize the time and when my husband got home from work at about 7 p.m., it had been 3 hours since I had last gotten up. Boy was I creaky, when I finally got up from my hard, uncomfortable kitchen chair (I was working at my breakfast table, rather than my desk.) But mostly, I'm remembering to get up. So, I'll chalk that on my success list.

Diet. This has to be put on my "challenge" list. Although I work from a home office, I've been extremely blessed with an abundance of work and, thus, haven't had time to cook. So, we've been eating out or take out. Plus, we went to two grand opening events at a new Bistro movie theater (free popcorn, beer & wine. We eat better (healthier) when I cook and last night, after eating leftover take out for dinner at about 9 p.m., I took my wilting basil and whipped up a batch of pesto. In the fridge. Done. Then I opened a can of garbanzo beans, rinsed them and made hummus with homemade Tahini. In the fridge. Done. I feel a couple of vegetarian dinners will be had this week, after two weeks of heavy and salty meals.

So today, I'm back on track. Menu done, grocery list done and no more eating out for dinner during the week. What's on the menu?

Fish tacos with Cabbage and Guacamole.

Caldo de Res with Corn Tortillas. Heavy on the vegetables, light on the fat. I would have made chicken, but overdosed on chicken during all those dining out meals and need a break.

Hummus with Pita Chips and Spinach Salad with Raspberry Vinaigrette. Pitas, not home made, but baked into the chips.

Pesto Pasta with Caprese Salad and Toasted Baguette.

Pork Chops, Mexican Rice, Steamed Broccoli.

Here are some of my recipes.

4 Tbs. sesame seeds
1 Tsp. sesame oil
1-2 cloves garlic
Juice of 1/4 wedge, lemon
Mix in blender or food processor, slowly adding up to 1/2 cup of water.

15 oz can Garbanzo (Chickpea) Beans, rinsed.
2/3 cup Tahini
2 garlic cloves
Lemon Juice to taste (I use the juice of half a lemon)
1 tsp garlic salt or sea salt (optional)
Place ingredients in the same blender/food processor used for the Tahini and process until smooth. Add additional water for a smoother consistency.

Basil Pesto
1 1/2 Cup Fresh Basil (or whatever you have on hand)
2 Cloves Garlic
1/4 Cup Pine Nuts
3/4 Cup, Parmigiano Reggiano (finely grated)
Extra Virgin, Cold Pressed, Olive Oil
Process the first four ingredients in your food processor, blender or by hand in a mortar & pestle.
Slowly drizzle in the EVOO until you like the consistency.

Caprese Salad
Buffalo Mozzarella (sliced in rounds)
Vine-Ripened Tomatoes (sliced in rounds)
Fresh Basil
Sea Salt to taste (optional)
Ground Pepper to taste (optional)
On a platter, layer the tomato, mozzarella and basil (basil can be torn or cut in thin strips or used whole)
Season with salt & pepper
Drizzle EVOO over it.
Serve with toasted baguette (Crostini)

Caldo de Rez
1 TBS Vegetable Oil (omit if you use a non-stick pot)
1-2 lbs beef shank  with bones, or stew meat
Salt to Taste
Freshly Ground Black Pepper to taste
1 Onion coarsely chopped
4 Cloves Garlic, minced
1- 14.5 oz Can Diced Tomatoes with juice
1 Teaspoon Cumin
4 Cups Beef Stock, low sodium, low fat
4 Cups Water
2 Potatoes, chopped into bite size pieces
3 Carrots, coarsely chopped
3 Celery, coarsely chopped
2 ears of corn, cut into small pieces
2 Calabasa or Zuchinni, cut in 1/4 inch rounds
1/2 Head Cabbage, cored and cut in quarters
Cilantro (optional)
Set a heavy-bottomed pot over medium-high heat. Add the oil, meat, bones, and salt and pepper to taste.
When the meat is browned, cover in water. Simmer for about 1 hour, until meat is tender. You will need to scoop out the foam as it cooks.
Remove the meat and toss out the water. (Optional) Cut the meat into bite size, but leave some meat on the bones. The marrow and bones are an important element in this soup. Set aside.
Add the onion, garlic, tomato, and cumin into the pot and cook about 5 minutes until tender.
Add the rest of the vegetables, except the Calabasa, Cabbage and Cilantro.
Add the beef and bones and beef stock. Reduce heat to low and simmer about until the vegetables are tender. (About 20 minutes)
Add the Calabasa, Cabbage and Cilantro and simmer for another 10 minutes.
Serve with lemon or lime wedges and hot corn tortillas.

I'd love to know if you try any of these recipes along with your thoughts.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Baby Steps

Day 7 since the universe spoke (Saturday, Aug. 17 blog).  I wrote yesterday morning about my lack of movement toward the "get moving" goal, in spite of my best intentions to live a healthier life. Well, Day 7 finds me up early, writing, paying bills and getting a head start on work. I should have just jumped on the treadmill first, but habits got in the way. I won't say that starting up my laptop first thing in the morning is a bad habit. It's how I make my living for the most part and having a strong work ethic is never a bad thing. But, for me... once I start in, I get immersed and pulling away becomes difficult. I managed to clear off the treadmill... but so far, that's the only "get moving" task I accomplished this morning. However, it's only 6:30 a.m. so there is still time.

Meantime, I took some baby steps yesterday that I hope to build upon. I managed to get up every hour or so and walk around the house at a brisk pace for 3-5 minutes each time. That's a big achievement for someone who loses track of time and forgets to get up unless there's a scheduled meeting or appointment or nature calls. But Wednesday, I did it. The first time, I walked for about 5 minutes. The second time was closer to 3 minutes, but I added the component of stretching and reaching up to touch the top of the arched entrance to the kitchen as I passed. So, walking briskly, then reaching up to touch first with one hand and then the other. The rest of my breaks (about 4 total in one afternoon) included the stretching component. I have to admit, it felt good to move around after sitting at my desk. There was the added benefit of clearing my mind and brainstorming while I was at it. So kudos to me.

My schedule is pretty booked today and tomorrow, so I won't be writing and working all day. But, I promise myself that if I find myself sitting at my desk for an hour, I will get up and move around. Baby steps. Another good thing I did yesterday, was I reached my goal of drinking 8 glasses of water. For those of you who already have a healthy lifestyle, I tip my hat to you and realize that what I am patting myself on the back for may not sound like much. But, for me, it's major! So I celebrate my baby steps.

Time to sign off if there's any hope of getting up on the treadmill. More later. OMG, this is the first image I came across when looking for something to illustrate today's message. Universe?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Turning a Deaf Ear to the Universe

Okay, so where was I? Oh yeah, the universe was speaking LOUD & CLEAR that I should get moving. That I should take the next step in my own health and wellness and DO SOMETHING!!! Well, it's now Wednesday and my expensive treadmill is still serving as a hanger. Unused. Gathering dust, or it would be except for the stuff I have laying all over it.

Why is it so hard to take that next step. I'm a smart woman. I am a positive thinker. I know what I should do. I'm not going to make excuses, because that's just what any attempt at justifying my "deaf ear" to the sound of the universe telling me it's long past time to get in shape would be   excuses. Instead of clearing off my treadmill, or going for a walk outdoors, or dancing around the house, I had a marathon writing session Saturday. From 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. I maybe got up four times. I know two of those times were about 10 minute breaks. I had a half sandwich in the fridge and ate half of it at 10 a.m. and the other at 2 p.m. (standing at the counter, checking out the headlines on CNN). Then, at 8 p.m. I took about 45 minutes to run out to grab a bite and bring it back home to eat, again standing up... but this time I stood because I realized I had been sitting all day! Then I went back to my lap top and made myself stop at 2:30 a.m. when my right wrist was beginning to ache and my eyes felt dry and tight.

Sunday, a girlfriend woke me up at 9 a.m. asking if I wanted to go out to breakfast... I said "make it brunch and I'm there." We spent the day together and visited our whole foods market looking for dietary supplements. There were so many that it boggled the mind (at least mine) and I couldn't choose.

But I did cook a healthy dinner that evening and another healthy meal on Monday. So, that's something. Eating isn't really my problem anyway. My problem is not moving.

And it seems that I'm not the only one. Aside from anecdotal proof (my friends telling me), I read recently that less than half of us exercises or trains on a regular basis; only about 40 percent of the population say they work out regularly. As for me... I'm still thinking these thoughts and writing about it, so  maybe I haven't tuned out the universe completely, maybe I'm just saying, "later universe, I'll get there in my own time." I just hope that time is soon!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Universe is Speaking

I always say that things happen the way they are supposed to happen. I guess it's another way of saying that God not only has a plan for us, but in God's own time too.

I started writing about health and fitness not because I'm an expert, but because I need to take charge and responsibility for my own health and fitness. Anyway, I was up early today and ran out to the bank. On my way, I passed 8 women jogging, a dozen or more men and women cycling, a foursome golfing and a couple walking. I guess I see this often enough, but usually I only notice the cyclists and joggers to avoid hitting them with my car. But today I realized that these must be folks from the neighborhood, who obviously are active and health conscious. Hmmm.

Then, I kid you not, on my way back from the bank I saw a brand new pair of running shoes in the middle of the street along with the box they fell out of! No, I didn't stop to try and retrieve the shoes. There was a pretty fit-looking woman walking towards them and I hope that they were hers. I did have fun conjuring up stories to explain how the shoes got there, but I'll save that for another time.

Can the universe be any clearer in sending me a message?

Except for walking to and from my car in the garage (even the bank was a drive-through ATM), or back and forth from my desk to the coffee pot, my morning plan was to catch up on paperwork, get ahead on some of my writing, and work on some projects. I flashed on my treadmill, that, I'm sorry to admit is one of those used as a repository for clothing and bags. I purchased this expensive piece of equipment three years ago, the last time I was motivated to take charge of my health and fitness (come to think of it, that was probably the last time I had a check-up too). I bought it because my excuse for not walking was, "It's too hot here," or "I don't feel comfortable walking alone," and "Those mosquitoes are killers!" I was absolutely positive that the indoor treadmill was the answer. I could walk on it while reading or watching the tube (just like at the gym).
So why didn't I use it? It's embarrassing to share, but I must be totally honest: I don't like to sweat. It's that simple. Sure I could walk after dinner while reading or watching TV, but then I would have to shower and I like to shower in the morning and there's no way I would go to bed after working up a sweat walking. But mornings are hectic, or I don't want to wake up my husband with the sound of the treadmill, blah, blah, blah. BLAH!

I did do something that I can pat myself on the back for, although some may not think it's such a big deal. Usually, if I'm out running errands early on a Saturday, I'll swing by the taco joint for a breakfast taco or two. And, today I didn't. I came straight home. And, no, I didn't clear off my treadmill and jump right on it. My husband's still sleeping and Saturday is the one day he gets to sleep in, so I'm not going to disturb his rest. But the day is young and full of possibilities. And, with the universe practically clobbering me over the head with hints to get moving, I know something will happen. Things happen the way they are supposed to happen and at the time they are supposed to happen. Is this my time to put myself first. To get moving and take the next step towards good health and fitness habits? I'll keep you posted. Any suggestions? Please share, I welcome them! Really!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Ears to Your Health

Yesterday I started writing about women and health issues. Namely, we need to put ourselves first and start acting on what we know we should do; what our next steps will be. I do a lot of writing in my career and for personal enjoyment, and as I wrote my blog yesterday, I was reminded of how easy it is to lose track of time.

I get immersed in an idea and run with it, realizing I haven't gotten up from my seat in an hour or more usually I notice this only because I need a bathroom break, I need to get going to a meeting or appointment, or I get hungry. Now, this isn't a new dilemma for me. I tell myself that I am going to make a point of getting up every 30 minutes (even if it's only to stretch or take a lap around my house) but I always end up losing track of time. I also try to keep track of my posture. I find that the longer I work on my lap top the more I tend to slouch. I'm pretty good about catching myself, though, but it's a constant adjustment for me to straighten up. So I was happy to discover yesterday a tweet from the WSJ about a new device that reminds people to sit up straight and get up and move around by vibrating when you don't. I re-Tweeted it yesterday and will post it here too.

The device is a $150 sensor called LumoBack, from a company called Lumo BodyTech, that straps around your lower waist to track your posture and vibrates whenever you slouch. It also tracks steps while walking and running, standing time, sitting time, sleep positions and sleep time. You can read Katherine Boehret's review here: on.wsj.com/14KHWwE

I think it may be worth a try as a motivational and coaching tool as much as a gentle reminder to sit up straight and get up and move more.

So that got me thinking about technology and what other products/apps might be out there to help us in our health/fitness quest and this one caught my eye. The Iriver On are earbuds that, not only play music, but also measure heart rate, distance, cadence, speed, and calories burned. The technology was developed by Valencel and licensed to Iriver and are available at sporting good stores. To see how they work visit this site: http://valencell.com/performtek™-technology

It's projected that by 2017 there will be 170 million wireless, wearable sports and health devices, but to date, there aren't many that accurately track key vital signs and activity without being cumbersome. Valencell says a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded study, shows its non-invasive biometric sensor accurately tracks this data, fits into most wearable music earbud designs, and wirelessly transmits data to a smartphone or mobile device where it is analyzed and reported in real-time via a proprietary algorithm and application or via other popular mobile fitness apps.

And here's a fun way to get moving, Konami you may recognize the video game, "Frogger" is also the original maker of the dance mat arcade game in "DanceDance Revolution" and a giant screen Classroom Edition of the same game. It's been championed by none other than First Lady Michelle Obama, who says they have it at Camp David and "it will make you sweat."

I'd love to hear what you think, and let me know if you are using or planning to use any of these products and how they work for you.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Taking Care of Ourselves First

A lot of my friends have been revisiting their habits as it relates to healthy living lately. I know that it's been on my mind too and so discussion with the girls tends to head in that direction. Perhaps it's a top of mind focus because it's the beginning of a new school year or because we realize if we don't get started soon, the holidays will sneak up on us.

Whatever the reason, I'm pleased that our health is a hot topic right now. Living in deep South Texas we recognize that obesity is a (no pun intended) BIG problem! It's no wonder when we live in an area where hand-made, white flour tortilla tacos are sold in drive throughs, mini marts and even gas stations! In most other cities, having a restaurant offer hand-made, fresh flour or corn tortillas is a novelty and a real treat. Here they are not only common fare, they are cheap! These home-made style tacos run as little as 99 cents. And we still have all of the other fast food chains and convenience foods that are found everywhere else. There are a lot of other causes for the high obesity rate, and smarter people than I have done extensive research on this issue, but speaking for myself, those darn flour tortilla tacos are tempting and I have at least one a week.

Of the many health issues associated with obesity, one of the most destructive is diabetes. One of the problems is that many people don't realize they are pre-diabetic or that they have the disease because the symptoms can be attributed to other things: age, long work days, shrinking bladders, etc. It seems that everyone either has it, or knows someone who has it and it seems to not be that big a deal. Well, it is. In researching an article on women and heart disease (Lady Couture Magazine, February issue) I spoke with two cardiologist who both cited diabetes as the main cause for women's cardio-vascular disease in the Rio Grande Valley. But I digress. Today's blog isn't about obesity or diabetes; it's about women taking charge of our own health.

We care for everyone else, our children and spouses and even our parents. Why do we put ourselves last? If we fall ill, then we can't very well take care of our loved ones, can we? I can speak from my own experience:
·         I haven't had a general or gynecological check up in more than two years... maybe, probably longer.
·         I don't exercise regularly.
·         I often eat on the run or skip meals entirely.
·         I'm overweight but I'm not actively doing anything about it.
·         I remind my husband to schedule his checkups, but don't follow my own advice.

My friend, Lucy Lagaci, said it best: "We know what we should be doing. We've read all the books. But we can't seem to take that next step."

Lucy heads the Foundation for Mission Hospital and I serve on the committee with her that is planning the 6th Annual Ladies First Luncheon where, hopefully, we'll all be motivated to take charge of our own health. Save the date and plan to attend! So who's with me for taking the next step? I'd love to hear your comments and next step ideas.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Freezing in Front of a Camera

I am not often asked about media coaching, although I've done it once or twice mainly to prepare someone to talk on-air regarding a crisis situation but a friend recently asked me to help her prepare for a new webinar series she was hosting. So, I gave her a crash course of pointers in the 45 minutes we had to visit. Big mistake. It was a case of too much, too fast. A little of this and that, but no opportunity to really coach her.

When I coach for an on-air interview in a crisis setting, the focus is on what to say and what not to say: don't answer hypotheticals, stay on message, be truthful, don't be afraid of dead air, are some examples. Secondary, but equally important, is how you appear on camera and there are some tips to help the audience stay focused on the message, rather than the messenger.

But for this web gig, I thought a quick overview would work because she would be speaking to a friendly cameraman about a subject in which she is expert. She didn't have to deal with the added pressure of being interviewed on live TV and especially in the midst of a crisis. But here's the thing; just because a person is a great speaker/presenter; is an expert in her field; and isn't facing tough media questions; doesn't mean that those great skills and attributes ensure she does a great job speaking on air, and especially, on camera.

There is something very intimidating about the impartial, cold stare of a camera lens that can topple even the most confident and talented individual.
Any nervous mannerisms are suddenly amplified, and the more conscious you are of what not to do, the more nervous and flustered you become. So my quick overview really did her more harm than good. I'll still give pointers when asked, but I will counsel that the person asking will be better served with a more comprehensive session. If you can afford it and are planning to be in front of the camera frequently, there are some very good resources and experts. My advice is helpful, but there are people out there who only or primarily deal with this one area. Contact me and I'll be happy to refer you.

Some people are born naturals in front of the lens. They glow and shine and are completely comfortable in front of the camera and it translates to the audience. But most of us aren't that lucky. So, if you are planning your own webinar or are creating a video presentation and, if I can only share one bit of advice, it's this: know your material inside and out. Then practice, practice, practice. And I mean practice in front of the camera, record yourself, and watch it. Check out how you did, where you can improve and how you can do better. Then practice some more. Keep at it. Then, and only then, should you tape your show for real.

Let me know how you do. I'd love to hear your feedback and comments.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

525,600 Minutes - Measuring a Year in the Life

I caught the tail end of Rent on cable the other day. I tuned in during Angel's funeral and watched it through to the end. Angel is one of my favorite characters, sweet, non-judgmental, generous. But the reason I mention it now is the theme song has been stuck in my mind ever since. You know, "525,600 minutes... How do you measure a year in the life?"

 A lot can and does happen in those 525,600 minutes. For me, the last 525,600 minutes began with a classified ad in the Sunday newspaper. There was a job listed for an editor of a new women's magazine. I had been working as a freelance communications expert and was doing pretty well on word-of-mouth references, but writing and editing are my first loves. I really enjoyed my all too short stint editing RGV Women magazine (the publisher hired me to edit the last few issues before he shut it down in 2006) so I welcomed the opportunity to do it again. I got the job, started laying the foundation for it on a part-time basis in September, and by mid-October I was there full time, editing Lady Couture Magazine. Our first issue was published in December. Although I headed the editorial side, I really didn't have much say in the design or art direction. In January, things began to change as I was given more authority and flexibility with the design-side of the magazine, working with graphic designer/photographer Esmer Olvera, and by February we were pretty much set. It was a fine magazine. Well produced, top quality, mailed to readers instead of just distributing it at local businesses. We created a buzz and were getting recognition and building our brand and our audience. We had some wonderful contributors, too: Kim Cantergiani, Chef Marcel, Marcie Kazen, Anissa Garcia to name a few.
But from the very beginning, we were told that magazines are a dime a dozen here in the Rio Grande Valley and that it is very hard for a magazine to be a success here. In other words, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere. Which is exactly what we planned to do.


The last issue of Lady Couture Magazine.
Unfortunately, the market couldn't support it and a couple of weeks ago, our publisher made the heart-breaking decision to close it down. Our August issue, which was also the first monthly issue only available as an e-magazine, was the last one. But, there is hope that Lady Couture Magazine will surface again sometime in the future. Goodbye Lady Couture Magazine. Hope to see you soon!